
Free Translation

February 24, 2010

Is There Something Eating At You?

Is There Something Eating At You?

Does losing weight have you worried about what you are eating? Have you ever been so frustrated with dieting, calorie counting, weighing food, and. cheating at eating? Well , you are not alone. The problem may not be what you are eating, but  what is eating you.
  • There are people who eat healthy, but still fail to lose weight.
Remember (from previous postings), that weightloss also involves mindset and exercise. To be a complete person you have to consider the mind, body and soul. So instead of putting so much time worrying about what you are eating, make sure you put time ito finding out what is eating you.

Exercise is very important in being healthy. When you don't get proper exercise, you don't feel good. And when you don't feel good, you don't get proper exercise. It's a vicious cycle if you allow it to be. Don't let it eat at you! Take things 1 step at a time, and focus on the things you can do instead of what you can't do to lose weight. Remember, I can do all things through Christ which stregtheneth me. PHILIPPIANS 4:13.
  1. I can eat more fruit
  2.  I can eat more vegetables
  3. I can drink more water
  4. I can exercise daily
  5. I can show love
  6. I can help others
  • Weightloss is a mindset. Determine what you will ALLOW to eat at you!